

Brassica Oleracea
Staff member
Fail. Bigger fail.

Y'know, if you're business going to sell the instrument, don't ya think you should take a second and Google how to put the mouthpiece on the horn?

FWIW, this looks like laziness: some are on properly, some aren't.
This thread reminded me of the photo used in an ad in the program of a high school jazz festival pitching the music program at a local university. It turned out that the graphics department used a stock photo of a sax player, but still someone in the music department should have proofread the ad before it went to the printer.

And my very favourite company, Couesnon, should have chosen more carefully when looking for images to sell their saxophones...


This thread reminded me of the photo used in an ad in the program of a high school jazz festival pitching the music program at a local university. It turned out that the graphics department used a stock photo of a sax player, but still someone in the music department should have proofread the ad before it went to the printer.

Yah. I spoofed that one in a Demotivator poster that we've got someplace here.
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