Sensaphonics ER's


Staff member
I'm going to an event that one of the local music stores is having this Sunday. They have a Sensaphonics rep who is going to be on hand to do custom molds.

I rarely play with ear plugs due to the fact that the cheap ones result in me hearing only my own sound when I play. Basically my sound resonates through my head back to me at a volume that is too loud for me to hear anyone else playing around me. Some people seem to get used to that but I can't.

Does anyone play with Sensaphonics or some other custom ear plug?
Ed: A drummer who played with my previous band for years used ear plugs (don't know what brand - they looked like shooters little rubber ear plugs). Is that why he sped up and slowed down?!?!

I once flew to a gig while I had a cold. The resulting ear failure was just as if I'd used GOOD ear plugs. Awful for me - and I'm sure for those around me. DAVE
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