Woodwind Forum is now on LinkedIn.com


Striving to play the changes in a melodic way.
Staff member
I've started a LinkedIn.com group for the Woodwind Forum. Check it out if you're playing in that space. For the uninititiated, LinkedIn.com is a way to keep tabs on your family and friends in the business world. I wish I'd had this when I was in college and beyond as I've lost track of so many friends and coworkers.
Gandalfe is more wired than any two of us. Put together.

Jim, can you give a rundown of all the places we're at? We could sticky the post.
We have a presence at facebook.com (hey, they don't capitalize it so why should it) and LinkedIn.com. I've been toying with a MySpace page for the forum, but I really think Ed should own that. I can help drive traffic though. I like to hear the music samples and see the gig schedules on MySpace. :cool:
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You might be getting a case of old timers - we have a myspace page!
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