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albert clarinet

  1. steefjeuh

    How old is this clarinet?

    Hello everyone, I was once gifted an old clarinet but now I am really interested in finding out how old it is. Though the person who gave it to me said it was from the 40's, I am not so sure now. (take note however, that I don't actually play clarinet, nor do I know anything about it) It is a...
  2. TrueTone

    An interesting Albert Clarinet at the University of Edinburgh...

    So I was randomly looking around in the collections of the University of Edinburgh researching something else, and I came across something else awesome-a good photo of one of Henry Lazarus's Alberts from Shackleton's collection of clarinets he had...
  3. TrueTone

    Eugene Albert Clarinet

    Soo I mentioned in a post Thursday I was looking at a clarinet-I won this auction: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F352472118134 Anyone have thoughts on an 1870s or so Eugene Albert clarinet? While apparently he made a lot of HP instruments; this...
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