Bassoon reed profiling machine on ebay

I paid dearly for some incredibly good baritone mouthpieces from a great New York doubler, and I got this machine too. If I sell the machine, I'll get the mouthpieces for half what they are worth, and I'm pricing the machine for half of what it is worth.
Oh, you're actually selling it, Randy? You should've said so! Additionally, your name on the ad -- rather than the unnamed NY doubler -- might make the ad go further. (Well, maybe: I don't know if your cachet extends to bassoonists. :))

You might also want to put a link to that PDF in the ad or mention that you have instructions available.

Watch out, tho. I think profiling's illegal.

Oh. Am I the only one that thinks that thing looks like a telegraph?

I'm no bassoon player, so linking my name to the reed machine would only decrease its value. I figure anyone who is about to buy one of these devices doesn't need an instruction manual, just some practice, hopefully with the guidance of an experienced bassoonist.

And yes, my grandfather, who was a railroad telegrapher, showed me one of his old telegraph keys. It was freakishly similar.
Well, y'know, you're just an all-around nice guy 'n' respectable 'n' stuff.

Even more on-topic, though: can that device be used to make reeds for other kinds of double-reed instrument? Sarrusophone, Rothophone, something like that?

(DISCLAIMER: I don't think I'd ever have the patience to make my own reeds for any instrument and the only double-reed I played was an oboe. For about a week. I think I can do about an octave. I'm just asking to enhance my own education and to possibly enhance the market for this thing.)

I hope it goes to a good home!
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