he Young Lutheran’s Guide to the Orchestra

Thanks for that link---I'd not seen that piece before and, like much of Garrison Keillor's work, gave me several LOL moments. I've sent it along to some others who I know will enjoy it.

Garrison K. must have had some not-so-good experiences with the churches of his youth. Have you seen his "Theses" that, in his fictional "Lake Wobegon Days", he nailed to the door of the church of his upbringing? It was, I believe, a take-off on Martin Luther's "95 Theses" protesting the RC brand of Christianity. It's also a very funny piece, but tinged with some bitterness.

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A classic

I remember a slightly different version of the same routine. Here's an example.
I remember a slightly different version of the same routine. Here's an example.
I thought my wife was Catholic but she must be Lutheran. If we go out to eat, it takes her 14 hours to choose what to wear (while I am waiting in the car) and 20 minutes to decide on what to eat. Meanwhile her blood sugar levels have dropped below zero. She gets really irritated and starts harping (out of tune).
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