
A couple years ago I was playing in a pit for "Music Man," and intermission was taking longer than we thought it should. It kept dragging on and on... until we were told that there was some sort of "technical difficulty" that needed attending to before the second act could begin. So somebody suggested we entertain the crowd with a Bb blues, and a number of the musicians joined in.

We jammed for about 15 minutes! Finally we tired of that fun and waited. Finally, we started the second act.

We learned later what the technical difficulty was. The auditorium was on a college campus, and there were chemistry labs in the lower level of the same building. Turns out a professor had begun an experiment earlier that day and left it running in a room all by itself. Somebody in the show found it and thought it was about to blow up, so they called the cops and fire department! It took a while for people to realize that the experiment was safe the way it was and that certain doom was not imminent.
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