Most Gorgeous Sax du Jour

I'm thinking about selling one of my King tenors. No pearls, but silver neck and bell, from the Cleveland factory, and very pretty.
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I'm thinking about selling one of my King tenors. No pearls, but silver neck and bell, from the Cleveland factory, and very pretty.

Don't do it Randy, you'll regret it. Now is also a ROTTEN time to be on the seller's end of any vintage sax transaction if you can avoid it.
More shots of Randy's horn. It's a very pretty horn.

SIMA is right: it's definitely a buyer's market for, well, everything.

As an example, I'm looking to get a power supply for a Macintosh G5 tower. The PSU is $75, new. I thought I could do better than that, so I went on eBay. I *just* lost out on an entire G5 tower with a blown motherboard -- the case ALONE generally sells for $200, not to mention other parts, like the video card, processors, etc. -- and I lost by $1.50: it went for $11.50.

But, then again Groove has to support his GAS habit ....
Actually, Pete's pics show a different King tenor. I have 3 of them because they are incredible. They all play great, and 2 of them are cosmetically impressive. The one I'm selling has no gold leaf inlay on the bell, just a solid Sterling bell and neck.

I'm keeping the ugly one because I'm emotionally attached to it. Every night I clutch it and cry over how much money I've lost by being in the music biz.
Yeah. Groove's lost so much $, he can afford to buy 3 King Silver-Sonics. And, quite obviously, a Keilwerth straight tenor.

My heart bleeds for you :p.
Well, sorta. At the moment, there aren't many people touching the rarer horns that seem to be going for multiple thousands of $ or relatively unknown make/models.

That Buescher Straight Alto, Buescher Tipped Bell Soprano and the Lyon & Healy Perfect Curved Soprano didn't sell. Nor did that $3,000 Rampone bass. All these horns were quasi-realistically priced. Some Mark VI altos and tenors are going for high prices, but they seem to have to be relisted a few times. Super 20s are selling for under $1000. Including baris.

Makes you wish you had some extra cash to spend, no?
Yes but everything is relevant. All of the instruments you mention could be had in excellent condition for under $500 in 1975.
... Which is about $2000 in 2009 dollars ...
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