My new website design and new music

I'm in the process of upgrading my website with a change in navigation layout, colors and some new music added. Read the latest "Blog" page for more details on the changes. Checkout the "New Stuff" page for what I've been recording lately.

Your comments and critiques are welcomed.

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Nice functional site that puts 80 percent of the crud out there to shame. Straight forward page design that carries nice through the site with consistency.

Years ago I did this site and then never used it again because I preferred the free blog sites, social software meshups, and youtubeage capibilities that I wasnt' willing to spend the time finding and implementing or maintaining.
It's a nice design.

Something about the website design makes it scroll jerkily with Internet Explorer 7. It works fine with Firefox, Pearl, and Google Chrome. But since IE is the one most folks use, I'd look into why and try to fix it. It does it on every page.
Thanks for the replies. I have not looked at it on IE yet. Just Safari and Firefox. Tomorrow, I'll check it out on my work PC. The software is iWeb for the Mac. Can't get any easier to put up a site. Now I need to put up some quality content ;)

I should have up a couple more quartet recordings this week.

edited to add... there's already a new quartet recording up now from this weekend.
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