Visiting the Rampone & Cazzani Factory


Brassica Oleracea
Staff member
No, I didn't get to go to Italy. I did find a blog that happens to have a rather detailed account (and videos) of a visit to the R&C factory, as well as a few other things.

It's in Danish, so I recommend that you either use Google Chrome or Iron and hit the TRANSLATE button.
One day I'll make it down there. Hey, it's a 3h drive from here, and while I'm there I might as well visit the Bulgheroni factory which isn't all that far away either. Hmmm. Where do I send the Missus and the Kids? Is there a Spa in north Italy? ;-)
I'd assume so :D.

I used to live all of about 50 miles away from Washington, DC -- yes, not as much culture as Italy, but bear with me -- and that meant things like the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Museums were less than an hour away.

And in a year and 1/2 of living there, I never went to them.

I think it was a case of, "I know I'll get there sometime ..." and then I never made the time. Admittedly, I wouldn't have wanted to go there in the wintertime because the highways weren't great, but I really had no excuses in late spring or summer. I, at least, did do a bit of driving through the various National Parks in Maryland and Virginia during the fall ....
I'm trying to get to a point where I can do that. The tickets are a bit pricey. And it's almost ... 50 miles away. Hmm. I think I used that number before.

I'll try to get up there next Saturday: I'm working on Sat. in my company's downtown office. The MIM is *closer* (20 miles) and they close at 5, so if I can get out early, it might be doable!

If I go, I'll charge up my iPhone and see if I can get some photos.
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