Another one here in Switzerland...


Distinguished Member
Distinguished Member
Mar 27, 2008
Zurich, Switzerland
...proudly presenting you this year's spring concert programme:
(click on the image to get the .pdf)

I just found out that I missed to publish last year's flyer - maybe that's why we had so little audience... (just kidding)
(2009 Concert Flyer)
Nice poster Ben. Do you have any solos this year?
Good grief, no! (I'd probably wet my pants standing ther nekkid in front of an audience)
This year's gravitating around Latin music, and apparently clarinets aren't #1 choice in a Latin lineup. Neither member of the music commission (which selects the pieces) plays flute or clarinet, and apparently the composers or arrangers don't either. So we're just doing backing stuff, extending the rhythm section. Actually I thought of filling my horn with rice and shake it instead of playing...
But we're good sports and do our best, as always.
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