Anybody make a book out of your photos ? Who'd you use? How much $ was it?

It's getting to be that time of year.

I'm just wondering ,
for folks that have used book makers (Costco,Flicker,Snapfish just to name a few)
what they used and how much it cost?
My wife really likes snapfish. She's had a couple of books done as well as some larger photo prints. They turned out looking great.
do you guys remember what you paid for your books? And what you got?
It may be they're all around the same price?
I doubt however that Apple's price is comparable. They have a built in book maker with iPhoto but you have to basically make your book , sign up and then get the surprise price!! (hey, it's Apple--if you have to ask.....)
Against the negatives of the Apple approach, you have to balance the great positive that is the final result. Their books are perfectly laid out and bound, truly professional pieces of work. Indeed, there are so good that the content (your photos) are likely to be the weakest element of the whole package.

Having said that, I've never bought one, only having those purchased by other family members for their photographic work.
The book is something my wife did so I am unaware of the price. I like to think she has the same thinking about my purchasing of mouthpieces and instruments. :emoji_smile:
I went to the Costco site. They use MyPublisher .
A MyPublisher and Apple comparison for a softcover 20 page 8x6 book is as follows.
Apple 9.99 + 5.00 and .50 each additional book.
MyPub 12.95 + 5.99 and 1.49 each additional book.

10 books from Apple.. $109.99
10 books from MyPub. $150.39

Okay---I'm in shock!! I figured Apple would be the most expensive.
I'm still not sure I believe it.
As you know, I have a couple calendars that I sell. I use -- they're an on-demand publisher. In other words, they don't make it until you order it. No stock needed. No minimum order.

They have a Photobook option ( and it starts at $9.99 per book, for 20 pages.
My wife went with Snapfish.
I think we got a pretty good deal with the 50% off before 12/2 coupon code RRBOOK

20 pages
12 8"x11" classic photo book(s): 239.88

Coupon Discount(s) -119.94

Items: 119.94
standard S&H: 39.88

Subtotal: 159.82
CA sales tax: 14.70
Order Total $ 174.61
You've received the lowest price available for your order
You saved $119.94 on your order
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