Are musicians morning or evening types.

I'm in neither

which holds true. I can vary my sleep cycle +- 3 hours at will. If I'm gigging a lot I lean towards evening, and can stay up till 2am no problem, still up around 10:30-11 with no alarm clock. Given the option, I'm up between 7-8 on my own so long as the blinds aren't pulled
Score = 21 - so another neither!

Which fits, as often don't get round to going to bed til after midnight and up and at 'em by 7.00. Weekdays, weekends or holidays.

I really enjoy both ends of the day.

I do my best work in the evening. It's still. It's quiet. One of my favorite jobs was me working the night shift as *the* help desk in a really, really large office. Too bad that they were in process of closing that location when I worked there.

However, I also live out in AZ (high temp, 80 degrees today). If you want to do "physical" labor -- at least, most of the year -- you do it in the AM. That's the coolest time of the day.
Definitely an evening type. I did the test even though I knew my answer ... I scored a 9.

Especially now that I'm the Caribbean ... nothing to see in ports .. just beaches. Further I don't work usually until after 4pm.
Well, if you're on a boat, you pretty quickly become a night person. I did my one stint and switched from an early up, early to bed physical labor type to a rise at 10:00, go to sleep at 3:00 individual, right quick.

(It served me well enough when in the Army, although the getting up early was a bit of a pain. As vehicle commander, I always took the worst stint of the guard pull every night, the horrendous (for most) 2:00 AM to 4:00 AM. Even wrapped up in a sleeping bag for warmth (at night, it got very cold in the mountains in the Central Highlands of RVN), I could stay wide awake for the full two hours.)

Since we musicians (for the most part) are providing entertainment for others, that entertainment is generally scheduled for the evening hours (when everyone else is "at leisure"). So, it behooves one (says the on-line pedant) to become an evening person toute suite.
Definitely an evening type ... I didn't have to take the test either to know that I am definitely an evening type (I scored a 9) lol :)
I'm neither but I found it difficult to answer some of the questions because I likely have SAD (never got it checked tho) and where my answers to some of the questions are different now than what they would be in the springtime or summer. Right now I definately sleep longer and therefore stay up until later and so on; it's a vicious circle (yeah, it's 2AM as I'm typing this.) Normally, I'm more of a morning person (as in: 8:00 / 8:30 AM) but I still think that getting up at 6AM is masochistic - The bf is definately a night owl and he's a real musician (I'm just a poseur)
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