Bad habit = Embouchure training device? lol

This is my eGo electronic cigarette. I have quit smoking for over two years without looking back because of it.


I recently started attempting to learn woodwinds, and I have found that I can practice my embouchure while using my e-cig. May not be the best way, but considering the thing is in my mouth most of the day(I was a chain smoker), why not multi-task and get my exercise in while getting a nic fix. Seems to help. And the shape of the tip, while smaller, does approximate the shape of a sax/clarinet MPC.
Comparison to a C Melody sax MPC.

practice helps with the embouchure ... and a teacher. But the more practice time you put in, the less time you need with your eGo

Very true. I am just waiting on the UPS guy to deliver my woodwinds in the next couple days. Just blowing the MPC gets a little noisy and unsatisfying after a while.
Cup the end of the mpc with your hand and learn to play Camptown Races

Hmm, cool. Will try. I have noticed that it is easier to make a decent sound with the MPC cupped. Thanks for the free lesson. lol
What's Steve's talking about -- and is a good idea, BTW -- is that you actually can play different pitches on the mouthpiece. The more pitches you can learn to play, the better. As a matter of fact, there are keyless saxophones, too.
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