Conn-O-Sax & Cohen in NY Times

I can see...

...that my long-standing position that Paul Cohen looks like me (I take this position since I am marginally older than Dr. Paul) is no longer defensible:


Compare and contrast between this photo and my standard sax headshot at the top of my posting. Since I last saw a photo of Paul, he has put on weight in an alarming fashion, and the abundance of greying hair further adds to the differentiation.

The blown out neck (I have been told) is a sign of impending heart trouble. I hope that it is not so in Paul's case - we can't afford to lose him at this point in time.

(Also note that, like most of their ilk, the string quartet seats the violist so that his (?) tone holes are facing away from the audience, thus insuring that his already under-resonated tones are sent into the sound-absorbent curtains. Dumb, dumb, dumb...)

(Finally, note as well that only the 'cello player has the common sense God gave us to use a Manhassett stand, specifically one of their portable ones. Those Wenger/Wegner things are an abomination onto God.)

Oh well - there goes any chance of me deriving a discount at a sax shop. Perhaps if I were to try my luck at a sex shop instead, I might be more successful.
You knew I'd post this.

'Course, the picture of Dr. C is about 20 years old, if not slightly more. I don't look that much like the me of 20 years ago. I've put on almost 70lbs since then (gone from very underweight to slightly over).
For one thing...

...I'm not that much changed, still being the lovable old bastard that I always have been, with appearance to match. (The headshot is about six years old; I'm a bit more halt and lame when walking, but my body still occupies the same general envelope, so to speak.

However, at least I have the common sense to use Manhasset products.

And, to have the viola facing the correct way...
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