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Got Honk?

I got, "You must login to see this page". And I don't have a login.

So, I do not have honk.
Thanks for fixing the link! Enjoyed hearing/seeing your group---wish mine sounded as good. But one question----where are the ladies!!??
Ah, they have a new default of 'for friends only' for all uploads. I have now switched the video to 'everyone'. Sigh... it's always something isn't it?
Still wants me to login. *Sigh* I still do not have honk.
For my friend Pete and other Facebook-less peeps here's the YouTubeage:

For Ruth, I'd luv to have a more gender diversified group. But other than the singers, I'm hard press to get any female horn players to sign up. My wife Suzy will show up if we're short a sax player, but that almost never happens anymore.

The only female who asked to join and was turned down was a very weak play who couldn't really play the instrument. Besides, I have the filled honored weakest player in the band slot. At a minimum a player must be able to solo and read changes. That's my story anyways, and I'm stickin' to it.
Band's great. Pitch is right on. Sign me up. The commute is a bitch.
Randy, it is interesting that you say that. We had a concert last week where Darren Motamedy was featured on lead tenor and Dennis Haldane (Jazz Police, SWOJO, and Seattle Rep Jazz Orchestra) covered for our solo trumpet who is recovering from cancer. Both pros said they had a blast and would do it again in a heartbeat. The Microsoft Jazz Band tries to do 4 concerts a year but we are 100% overbooked this year. We have a long and deep sub list of people wanting to get in the band. Life is good.

Oh, and the recordings for that concert are due out soon.
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