New Year's Musical Resolutions

Hmm. I think I'll try for doing at least 6 articles for my blog. Maybe try to add a :TrebleClef::Space3: to my singing range. Hey, it's only a step higher than my highest ....

I'd like to drop some poundage, too .... My goal is only about 3.3 lbs per month.

Oh. Of course, if y'all have unused instruments, please send them to me. I'll even pay shipping.

I've got a beast of an upright I'd be willing to part with...
My record, for last year:
* I did add the C, however, it basically blows my head off. I got some more in the lower range, too, but that only shakes the earth around me (I'm a bass with a range from about 8vb :BassClef::Line1: to that C). Hey, singing in the car really does improve your skills!
* 8 blog entries, so I achieved that!
* I only lost 5lbs. But I kept it off :).
* I should have appended to the request for instruments, "Provided it's under 100lbs." Other than Carl, I had no takers on this one :(.

Where I work, you're supposed to add a list of "professional resolutions" to your self-evaluation form. I missed only one -- I wanted to get two new industry certs this year -- so I'm happy about that, too.

Anyhow, for 2013, I want to do a bit more on the exercise front and lose more weight. I also want to do much, much more with my website and gallery: oddly enough, I ended 2012 helping with three different websites that I don't own. That includes this one ....

Happy new year, folks!
1. Book the MJJO at least nine times in 2012.
2. Keep the sax 4tet going.
3. Sell last four unused instruments.
4. Keep working on sight-reading.
5. Make progress in learning to play the clarinet. Play one solo in public this year.
6. Blog about music in at least 20 days of this year.
7. Do one theater gig this year.
8. Sub at least 8 times this year (for pay).

Missed on 5 and 8, but not by much. This year I've changed my resolution style: 2013 Resolutions a la Commitments.
1. Try to get off chart more. Need to get away from the tether and make some room. Sax is still tricky for me in this respect, but with my new Hammond I can see and hear what I want to have happen - and the band wants me to take more aggressive leads now, particularly on the organ. If I can get that under control I hope to make the transition to sax too.

2. Suffer fools less. If screwing around is harming the performance, there will be discussion.

3. Refine and downsize. Maybe lose a few horns and a bass or two from the depths of the rotation - I don't really need to keep them around.
Oh. Of course, if y'all have unused instruments, please send them to me. I'll even pay shipping.

3. Refine and downsize. Maybe lose a few horns and a bass or two from the depths of the rotation - I don't really need to keep them around.
I see synergy.
ok cant recall if i'd posted already; or if its in the mod. queue; or whatever:
SO, sorry for the narcissism. here goes.
2013 musical resolutions of CHasR:

1.) get that EP in the can.
2.) get that DVD in the can.
3.) Do more interstate gigs ( im up to 10 states, only 40 more to go!)
4.) get the website redesigned.
5.) get back to creating more original stuff.

5's enough. in 2012 I only managed 1 + 3/5 out of 5. If it wasnt for the Haitians it woulda only been 3/5 outta 5.
Who couldve guessed they dug French bagpipes? :D
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