not sure where to post this??

Sep 21, 2009
hi guys - i am looking for an orchestra to join - some confusing information about the levels required to join the different types of orchestra. Perhaps someone could tell what it is all about. Am I right in thinking amateur is for a less advanced player. I am Grade 6 level but unclear about where my entry point might be? Thanks for your help!:emoji_smile:
There are usually a ton of flute players, and a limited amount of positions in an orchestra.

If you're returning to playing after a long break, a community band would probably be the best place to start.
There are usually a ton of flute players, and a limited amount of positions in an orchestra.

If you're returning to playing after a long break, a community band would probably be the best place to start.

I second the community band approach.

Some of them can be very ambitious and demanding concert bands with an excellent reputation, and calling them "amateur" might be technically correct, but wouldn't do justice to them musically.
Most of the folks that post here haven't been in school or college in a long while, including me :).

When I went to high school in the 1980's, I was still an Air Force brat. I bounced around to 4 different high schools and they all offered band. A couple of the elementary/jr. high schools did, as well.
When I was a high schooler back in the 1960's, I belonged to one school band, but played concerts in a couple of others. Being hot with the bass clarinet at the time, directors of All County, community and summer groups used me as needed. I played the "Overture to Candide" more times that I can remember over those four years, as well as sat in with school orchestras that played something other than "student" versions of the literature.

Since that time, I've avoided the concert band like the plague. Jazz (but not hard core stuff) and orchestra work, but never a concert band.
When people who have never seen me ask me about my life story, they generally peg me about 20 to 30 years older than I actually am, so no problems.

In any event, when you asked "are you in a school that offers band?", I assume you had some reason for that question. Anything specific? As I said, I've been in many schools that did offer band and I'd be more than happy to share some stories.
Or maybe the person was a spy from the CIA to make sure that we don't carry on any anti-government activities. Like, hiding our true agenda in steganographic flute pics.

I don't do that, of course. I do steganographic alto clarinet pics.
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