Piccolo in 8 weeks +

Nov 24, 2011
Hey guys,

New here. I've got some experience with sax, I've also played guitar, bass, drums, and piano.

For my Bachelor of Education program's Physical Education course I have to learn a new fine motor skill. I elected to learn Piccolo for this.

I know, I know, it has been often said that people should not start on a Piccolo without having prior experience on the flute. Opps. :D

I have gotten myself some piccolo/flute music. Specifically 'rubank elementary method flute or piccolo', and the intermediate of that as well. I also have checked out some of the fingering charts on the web, and even the fingering chart from yamaha (I'm using the ypc-32. I rented it).

I have noticed that it is out of tune (it's too high). Using the metal rod it appears to be in the correct position. When I pull it out it does not seem to be able to have enough room to get into tune. That is, unless I am supposed to pull it out a good cm or so. :D I figured that would probably be more than was expected. Could it just be that I do not have good enough embrasure to have it play in tune? I am tuning at 440 with an electric tuner.

Also, can anyone offer suggestions for moving from the C :Space3: to D :Line4:? or jumping straight into G :Space5:? I find that I keep switching between octaves while playing.
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