The Newly Revamped


Staff member
I changed the back end software that the main part of uses and made the changes active yesterday. I had to move all of the content manually which made the project take a lot longer than I would have liked.

You can find the new site at

I have put in redirects for the most accessed pages - the vintage Yanagisawa article and the vintage Yanagisawa gallery.
Aaaaiiiigggghhh! My eyes!


Looks OK. Point: it's "Vintage Yanagisawas". The "pages" column looks a tad odd: I know the software's listing random pages, but just seeing an entry entitled "8xx Series" makes me wonder what you're posting about ....
I excluded those pages and re-ordered by title. It looks better.

I still need to add back all of the vintage ads.
I like the new layout Ed. One suggestion, the Forum link on the first page takes you to yet another link to get to the forum, rather than directly to the forum. You might want to tweak that.

Cheers my friend.
I would have to hard code the Forum link in the template - I think. Other change made.
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