Albert-system fingering chart for (allegedly) unusual clarinet

G'day fellow clarinetists,

I got asked by a contact if there's an Albert fingering chart for her particular instrument.
I sent her the standard Albert fingering chart, but she says that "R6 is different". (pad closes when key is pressed)

IMG_6056.JPG IMG_6039.JPG

Since I'm not very experienced with this type of keywork, I decided to ask here.
Any ideas?
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I have no idea what R6 is, but I'm assuming that means either the articulation between E and F#, which this doesn't appear to have, either that or it might be broken off, your pictures make that kinda hard to tell, or an Alternate Eb, which this doesn't have.
There's no one standard Albert keywork, to my knowledge, either, just generally having 13 or 15 keys as a normal amount.
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