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Beginner playing TOO low - Help?

I dont know what you are talking about. This is not what Dennis is requesting.

It might not be what he's asking for, but setting the tuner to Bb transposition would be helpful, as it would then show the pitch names he's expecting to see when he plays clarinet.
Had my lesson with my instructor and he cleared up a LOT for me - I may look into buying a tuner that can be set to different keys sometime - For now my embrochure is improving and I'm clear on what notes actually come out of the clarinet when I play it so now I just need to practice a LOT - If anyone has suggestions for a cheap tuner that can be reset for different keys let me know - Thanks to all for your input - Dennis Brooker
If you have an iPhone/iPad/iPod or Android phone or tablet, there are some excellent tuner apps available that are relatively inexpensive and which outperform many of the smaller chromatic tuners.

Merlin - Thanks much for the suggestion but I have none of those - Dennis Brooker
Here's my transposing page if you think it would help - I wrote that well over a decade ago, maybe two ...

Years ago I stopped buying specific "general" music for say sax ... I've found it much easier just to buy piano music and play what I want. You get all the parts and you just have to basically sightread transpose. Not to difficult once you get used to it.
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