Buffet model ?

Sep 10, 2020
Hi, I have a Buffet B flat clarinet that according to the serial number was made in the 1950’s. It has the extra fourth finger ring around the hole for the left hand and the right hand lower piece has the extra fifth key. There is no model number on the instrument. As I no longer play it, I would like to know the model number so that I can determine a fair asking price for it. If you can provide any information or tell me where to find info on it, I would appreciate it very much.
It looks like a nickle plated full Boehm model. Some people avoid them as the extra tone hole for the G# can be problematic for leaks and cracking. Where it falls in the 50's can have a big impact as the R13 model was introduced in the mid 50s.

Myself, I play an early 70s model as my main clarinet. It was problematic until I had a custom barrel made for it which corrected some intonation issues it had.
I purchased a used Buffet Moening barrel, has a reverse taper, on eBay and fell in love with the sound I was able to create using it. I usually get the shortest barrel available. It is for my Buffet R13 Festival clarinet that I got when my wife bought a new clarinet. When I let real clarinet players try the barrel, they inevitably get one for themselves. Beware, a new one is $300 on music123, that's a lot of ice cream.
I had a maker take the bore of the instrument and the bore of the mouthpiece into consideration and put the Moennig taper into a barrel made to the length I needed to bring overall pitch to 440. Mine was a European model that wasn't happy at 440 and was almost unplayable except on a very old adjustable barrel I had. Nothing off the shelf came close so I had to seek out custom work. Unfortunately I lost the makers info in a computer crash and really have no idea how to contact him.
Hi, I have never used a forum site so its a learning curve for me. The clarinet is longer than the usual B flat. The serial number is stamped and is 42283. There are also markings above this number that makes no sense to me. It starts with an F, then what looks like a large slanted L with a small triangle, then a diamond shape, then a vertical line, then a triangle, another vertical line followed by a vertical line with a backward small L going through it from the left side.

Did Buffet make Boehm models? I don’t know anything about Boehm clarinets. I played this clarinet from 1960-64 and my brother had kept it until he passed in 2009. Do not know the model number. Any help would be appreciated. I have no idea of its value.

The bell is approximately 4 and a half inches tall . The base of the bell is 3 1/4” across. The upper section is 8 1/2“from end to end.
The lower section is just shy of 12” long. The neck is 1 5/8” long.
The Boehm system is what we in the states consider a regular clarinet. The full Boehm adds some extra keys and an extra note - which is why it is longer than a regular clarinet. The serial number suggests it was made in 1951. Being a full Boehm it is almost certainly a professional model, but it pre-dates the R13 so value is lower to most players.

A pic of the odd engraving would go far in helping us help you.

Which part of the world are you in as that can also impact value.
...................I have seen markings added to instruments above the serial # that are used as inventory #'s for say, a college of music for example.
When I was in music school (late 70's) we had to take instrumental methods as part of the music ed program of study. The school had the instruments for us to use.
(I was in a class of 20 Bundy oboes cacking-away at 9:00am every Friday one semester...... I still haven't recovered from that....)
Yup, looks like an ID number added by someone after purchase.
My best offer is $3.50.

Carl H's comment is correct, but I'll give you a direct link. I don't know the going price on ebay for 1950-ish Buffet clarinets, so you need to do some research in their closed auctions. Note that a standard low E Buffet clarinet will be worth less than the full Boehm, so if you can only find low E horns, tack another $100 or so to the value.

Note that the mouthpiece can add additional value and can be worth more than the horn. I'm not a mouthpiece guy, so I couldn't tell you.
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