Can any of you computer geeks help?

Thanks Ben, but I have been down that road dozens of times. No, the driver files are not individually shown on the CD just a file called "satellite installer". When I run that it takes me to the same dead end where "the wiz" can't find the driver files.

Thanks Ben, but I have been down that road dozens of times. No, the driver files are not individually shown on the CD just a file called "satellite installer". When I run that it takes me to the same dead end where "the wiz" can't find the driver files.

The Satellite installer will unpack the files in a temporary folder on your harddisk. From there you can copy them to a safe location (while the installer is waiting for some input from you). Or you can use the drivers off the .zip file.

(I hack installers for a living, I do that as often as others repad saxes)
Oh Lance, I so remember those days. For some small ISV companies that is still the primary support recommendation.

I don't consider it the primary solution - only when there are no other answers - and I don't see any posted. I assume he checked the drive for errors and he knows how to browse to the correct location for the driver files. I doubt that a Mackie hardware error would stop the Wizard from finding the files.

He doesn't say if the computer shows any other signs of infections, but, often those creep in.

I would try to install it on a different computer first, if I had one. If not, I'd reinstall.
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