Dove detergent leaving layer of silicone


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Distinguished Member
There is a repair tech spreading the word that he no longer uses Dawn dish washing detergent in his ultrasonic cleaner because it leaves a microscopic layer of silicone on the instrument. This information supposedly comes from a chemist in his area who also markets valve oil. I'm having a hard time believing this because none of the chemicals on Proctor and Gamble's Dawn ingredients lists contain silicone or its precursors chlorosilanes or tetraethoxysilane.

Maybe Dr. G or someone else knowledgeable about chemistry can clear this up for me.
"dish washing detergent" - does that mean "hand" or "machine" detergent? (I use machine detergent when ultrasoning)
Dawn hand dish washing detergent is the common one used. I think it is marketed as Dawn Ultra these days.
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