Fingering Chart for Dizi Flute?

Hello all! I'm new to this forum, and have a question about a flute I found at a neighborhood sale. I thought for a while that it was ornamental since it was in a display case, but after I opened it, it appears to be similar in structure to the Chinese Bamboo Dizi flutes. However, the material is closer to granite, and the Dizi fingering charts online don't seem to fit. I've posted a picture below -- if anyone has thoughts on fingering charts for this or any information in general I would love to hear it. (Bandaid is acting as the di mo membrane since I didn't have any tape handy)

The fingerings are essentially whistle fingerings. Starting from all holes covered, picking up each finger will give you a major scale. Some of the cross fingerings are essentially familiar to other natural flutes... a mix of cross fingerings and half holes for the accidentals.

Here is a fingering guide... you should be able to figure it out.

Big Oof on the Band-aid though... that will not work to seal the 8th hole unfortunately. If you are going to seal the hole to just make it a "flute" instead of a dizi flute, I would use electrical tape, as it will give you a good seal and the adhesive is not too agressive. That will be good enough for practice.

However, what makes a dizi flute a dizi flute... is that that hole is supposed to be covered with a thin layer of bladder skin (like you find on a clarinet pad) that is ever so slightly loose in the middle. This is called the "dimo." When you play, it will produce a characteristic buzz which gives the flute its special character.

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