GERB. MONNIG Bass Clarinet--Info Please (Photos)

Dec 13, 2013
I'm a new member. My name is Russ. A friend gave me this clarinet. It's in poor condition & I'm considering fixing it up to sell it. Can someone please tell me what I've got? I've done some research and it's a bit confusing. I thought I'd turn to the experts and join the forum. I've added 3 photos to this post. I hope it works! Thank you in advance.

It's a bass clarinet with the bell and neck attached slightly askew. Condition doesn't look all that poor from here.

It's one of those German designs that have a vent on the body rather than on the bell (or none at all). If you close it, you should get a low D when operating the low Eb key. So it's not that there's a key missing down there.

Age? Must have been made between 1945 and 1961.
Thanks for the info. The bell is askew because the cork is worn down and someone wrapped it with scotch tape. It's leaning on a wall for the photo and the bell moved when I set it down.

Do you know anything about the maker-- Gerb. Moennig?
moennig brothers
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