Hello y'all

Hello guys,

I just joined this site and i would like to share some cool things about me. I play in a church band (the church is really small) and I sorta like it. i play on a yamaha yas23 alto saxaphone.

you have a nice alto there. I've played those before and they are sturdy and well built and will last you a lifetime

Ayup. When I had to hunt for an outdoors tenor for a band buddy, I found a Japanese Vito; she was a bit hesitant until she heard that it was in fact a stencilled YTS-23.

And: welcome aboard, prosax!
yeah its a good saxaphone but it was used by people who wern't careful. there is a dent in the bell and sometimes the note D plays a little unusual. i'm planning to save money to buy some pads to change but yeah that's all. i hope that someday i might get a pretty good saxaphone and a god mouthpiece.:-D
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