Instrument Stands


Old King Log
Staff member
Jan 29, 2008
Beulah FL, a suburb of Pensacola
I ran across another data point in my search for Anderson Manufacturing Co. clarinet/saxophone/bass clarinet stands. I had to deploy a tenor stand in a hurry last week, so I grabbed the first set of Anderson stand pieces that I found out of my "accessory tub". The one I grabbed was one bought from eBay a few years back, an older version with the cast bell snubber.

Yesterday, when I was disassembling the thing, I looked at the back side and found a different label attached to the upright portion. It read "Anderson Manufacturing Co., Benton Harbor MI".

The only other location information for this elusive firm was in a town in northern IN, where I once ordered parts from them. Since I've been on the lookout for the products of this firm for many years, I decided to follow up my new lead.

Benton Harbor is a small town on the coast of Lake Michigan, just to the north of Indiana. Other than having an incredible ratio of 46 to 1 of total population to sex offenders, it's a pretty unremarkable place. And, alas, no Anderson Manufacturing Co..

Since this was on an older version of the stand, I surmise that the company was once located there and moved to Indiana at a later date.

My search continues...
Fate has it that my cousin is marrie to an Anderson. However, I'm sorry to report that they don't have any stand in the instrument accessory industry.
But if you're fond of sitting in lukewarm water somewhere in Utah, I could help...
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