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Interesting 6M Standard ("Naked Lady") G# Cluster Notes


Brassica Oleracea
Staff member
A gentleman just sent me some nice pics of a nickel plated 6M and I wondered if I had any other pics of nickel plated Standard/Artist 6Ms. So I pulled up the pics I had of another nickel horn and noticed that the G# cluster was different:

Teh Nickel Horn from my archives (s/n 272xxx, from saxpics.com via Patrick Stas)
Lacquer 6M Standard (s/n 272xxx, from saxpics.com via vintagesax.com)

Subtle difference. The G# cluster of the nickel horn that was sent to me today (s/n 260xxx) looks like the lacquer horn, above.

I checked and it's not the same G# cluster found on the later horns, but, IMO, it's closer:

294xxx VIII (from saxpics.com via cybersax.com)

Interesting, no? It's also not found on the Connqueror 26M.

(As a side note, the G# cluster on that 294xxx horn is not specific to the VIII. It was introduced around 276xxx.)

I checked: I can't see this variation on any other horns. It's also not particular to some particular plating.

Anyone else got one? What's your s/n range? Any other interesting changes?
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