Never Let Your Mind Wander

It is sometimes difficult to maintain ones concentration, especially when doing the more mundane things. But please take a bit of advice. Do not let your mind wander when doing something like oiling up some keys and such while finishing up a very nice "N" Noblet model 45. Should you do, you could find out that the Krazy Glue bottle looks very much like the valve oil bottle. I guess that it could have been worse. I had not installed the two keys or their axles, so they're in an acetone bath for a while, and there are no pads on either piece. I guess that it was just one of those "ahhh snaklefratz" moments. or something like that :-(
Bio lab warning: don't eat while you're dissecting. You might forget which hand you have your sandwich in.
Must admit that over the decades I have on rare occasions put key oil on the bore. Problem is my mind wasn't wandering.....
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