Repadded Selmer, NY Bass: $5K


Brassica Oleracea
Staff member
Conn stencil, of course.

While I'm not the seller, I do know (of) the seller: quinntheeskimo. I also know several folks here are trying to find cheap, decent basses. So, check it out.

Again, I don't know the quality. To me, the horn looks like it's been relacquered at least once. YMMV. I'm just passing along the data. Don't shoot the messenger, etc.

My favorite pic is the one where he's holding the neck. Makes him look like he has really small hands. In the same way people playing viola look like they're smaller than average.

I have it on excellent authority that, not only are viola players smaller than the norm, violas are smaller than they should be.

The viola soundbox is undersized by some 20% to 35% in all three dimensions for the length of string possessed by the instrument. The diminished soundbox size came about when the musical powers that were decided that the viola should be played using violin technique. It would be awkward for most to go sawing away with a six inch thick soundbox under their chin. That, and seating the violas so that their soundbox holes faced away from the audience, is responsible for the dismal reputation of the instrument today.

Well, that and their general tone color, which resembled the alto clarinet at its very best...
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