Scheduling for band members / leaders


Staff member
Recently I have been playing with some larger groups (10-12 people). It seems like every pending rehearsal causes a flurry of emails (I'm in, can't make it, extraneous suggestions, etc.) I did some research on free group calendaring options. I found one called Teamup that seems to work pretty well without being overly complex. The trick, of course, is getting everyone to use it. With one band we are pretty much at 100% after about 4 months. With another larger group we are at about 80% after two months. The major hold outs are the vocalists, which is a bit frustrating, so I'm going to start nagging them.
The free version allows up to 8 (color coded) sub-calendars. That allows for one master calendar, and 8 subs for individuals. For a bigger group you can just use one master and give everyone add (or modify) access, or you could do something like give different band sections (woodwinds, brass percussion, etc.) a sub-calendar. If you have a bigger group and just use one master, it's a matter of folks identifying who they are either in the title or the "who" field. Of course, you could also pay $8 per month for 12 sub-calendars or $20 per month for 50 sub-calendars. I think that might get a bit confusing.
The final solution for us is Muzodo.

It is nothing short of brilliant.

Highlights for me are:
Easy for members to lodge availability (emails are sent out with option to click yes / no / maybe
Members prompted to register when they are put in the 'group' but can register any time
Registered members can update their availability on the web site
Group email address is gevin
Automatic reminders
Reminders to all unreplied and maybes can be generated any time
Downloadable lists of availability as cvs / excel

There is even a cut down version to look at availability for iPhone/Pad/Thingy

I use it for our wind band of 60, and sax quartet of 6 (I know...)
Trial for free

I think this will work well for us. Team Sax in this example is going to be four ensemble gigs and then all the practices will be one color but labeled. So far we have programed three of the ensembles.

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