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Second Bassoon Audition - Nova Vista Symphony

The Nova Vista Symphony currently has an opening for second bassoon, and is seeking qualified players to audition. The orchestra, now in its 46th season, is a volunteer ensemble that performs full-scale works from the symphonic repertoire. Rehearsals are on Tuesday nights (September - May) in Sunnyvale, CA, with performances at several venues in the south bay.

Auditions are with the Music Director and are by appointment. Scheduling is flexible and based on the availability of the musician. Repertoire will be provided at time of scheduling.

Auditions can be scheduled by emailing personnel@novavista.com, or by calling (408) 624-1492.

More information about the orchestra can be found at www.novavista.org.

Thank you for your interest!
Let us know if you fill the position. The WCB has been looking for the same for 4 years. I'm not sure why it can be such a hard position to fill. Even though we are planning to play de Meij's "Lord of the Rings" symphony, we can't see to fill the second bassoon position.
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