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Some Reference Materials ....


Brassica Oleracea
Staff member
http://hungaria.org/hal/folklor/tárogató/ -- also has links to some fingering charts.
http://www.11thmuse.com/taragot.html -- history, sound clips, video clips and pics. If you want some info, I'd go here. (Hey! The Taragato sounds kinda like a soprano sax.)
http://www.larkcamp.com/oneofakind.html -- you can find a couple for sale, here.
http://www.tárogató.hu/ -- both in Hungarian and English. This is "the" site for Taragato. (The Hungarian side has links that work -- if you want to get to other fingering charts 'n' stuff.)

There are also a few dozen videos of this at -- where else? -- youtube. Search for "taragato" and "taragato". See also http://www.watchuonline.com/t%C3%A1rogat%C3%B3/

http://www.hangoskola.hu/tarogato1999.htm -- Historical musings (quite detailed).
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