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The Big Woodwind Project - Take I


Striving to play the changes in a melodic way.
Staff member
I am soliciting each of you to play when the saints, come marching in. You must video it and send me the video file. It would be something along the lines of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7rXycbJfqU.

It's be nice to get some interesting instruments and maybe we can get someone to do the Yakity Sax in the same key, maybe the concert key of Bb. G G B C D, G G B C D (on a clarinet, sop, tenor, or bass sax for example).

The video camera should not introduce any noise into the recording, the instrument should not be accompanied, and the player should be visible from the front. Maybe set the meter to 90.

I'd mix the video into one movie. Do I have any takers?

You may want to do it like Pete Thomas did with his blues project. He provided a simple backing and asked us to use that to make it easier for him to sync things up.

I like the idea.
Yakety sax may be a bit difficult just because it's rather complicated. I do like the backing track, that way we can get it in a bit more sync. Give me two weeks when I get my BBb paperclip back and I'm in.
Not streaming well. slow interwebs...
will check it out in the morning. I'm just thinking from a we're all at different playing abilities and with something like yakety sax it may get a little woogity
Not streaming well. slow interwebs...
will check it out in the morning. I'm just thinking from a we're all at different playing abilities and with something like yakety sax it may get a little woogity
Well, truth be known, I figured someone like Randy would do the hard stuff. :cool:

Regarding the backing track, I'm at work but let me see if I can find an Aebersold that will work. I have all the books and tracks on DVD somewhere. Ah, it's in book 100. Okay, now to search the terabyte brick that I have at home for the sheet music and background.
Well, truth be known, I figured someone like Randy would do the hard stuff. :cool:

Regarding the backing track, I'm at work but let me see if I can find an Aebersold that will work. I have all the books and tracks on DVD somewhere. Ah, it's in book 100. Okay, now to search the terabyte brick that I have at home for the sheet music and background.

Might be better off generating one with BIAB.
It would seem the project died due to lack of interest. No worries. I've forgotten about it and moved on the my next project, a clarinet choir. Everyone should do one at least once right? Right? :cool:

What kind of a choir?
There's a group from Germany (they seem to excel at small clarinet groups)
called the Vienna Clarinet Connection. They have a bass 2 altos and 2 sopranos, sort of like SuperSax :D They do jazz and improvisation along with straight-up classical.
Another German group is the Berlin Clarinet trio 1 sop and 2 low C basses. They're more avant garde.

Nobody seems to use the contras but I have a feeling you will ;)
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