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The Woodwind Co. New York Clarinet


I recently purchased a "The Woodwind Co. New York" Clarinet from a thrift shop, and I'm curious if anyone knows anything about it, particularly its value
. The serial number is 15060, the pads are in rough shape, and the wood is a disaster, the barrel appears to be cracked on the inside. Each joint is stamped "France" on the back. The (I assume) original mouthpiece is here too; I'm reading that they're known for their mouthpieces. This one is a "Steel Ebonite G7," damaged on the face and chipped at the tip. I put some photos up at : http://photos.aaronrohrbacher.com/
click on the mouthpiece image, and the whole gallery will appear.

Any info (particularly related to value) would be appreciated. If it is worth something, I may have it fixed up and sell it, but if not, it'd be a good thing to keep around for a student in need, if I can get it playable.

Thanks for any help,
Aaron Rohrbacher
Oregon Clarinet/Saxophone Player (in that order
Ridiculously old post, wow! I hope you've already found your answer. Just wanted to say I have a G7 woodwind company mouthpiece. It's good, but I tend to prefer my Selmer HS* mouthpiece. Woodwind Co. piece has much less resistance, but tone quality is slightly better on the Selmer.
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