vintage Albert sys. Buffet help

I was given this very old Albert system Buffet. It does not have a serial # on any joint, but has the Buffet Crampon Paris logo on every joint including the mouthpiece.
The upper joint has the letters BREVETES under the logo & under that, the letters "S.O. D.O."
The bell has the logo with H. BETTONEY BOSTON, MASS. underneath.

I know that H Bettoney was an early importer of Buffets, but have no idea of the time frame.

I would appreciate any help in dating the horn. Also as you can see in the pic it has no rollers, don't know if that helps in dating.
Thanks before hand for any help


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* SGDG definition. So, the horn is older than 1968.
* No rollers is more common than with rollers, especially on Albert system instruments, so that doesn't help with age.
* I will try to curb my desire to make a joke about people dating horns and what kind of app that would be.
* I am not the expert on clarinet manufacture, but when I see keys with the little holes in them (like the A, G#, C#, etc.), I think pre-WWII.
* If the bell just has "H Bettoney" and no Buffet logo, it might be a replacement bell. While I do know that H Bettoney stenciled a lot of instruments (i.e. bought horns from someone else and stamped their own name on them), there are clarinets made by Bettoney. That being said, @Steve mentions a late 19th century Boehm model that had H Bettoney on the bell. You might want to take a peek.

Please note that if you have "HP" stamped somewhere, it means the horn is a high pitch instrument and will not play in tune nor can it be made to play in tune with modern instruments. I also can't tell if the horn is a Bb, C, or A clarinet just from the pic.
no the bell has the buffet logo with H Bettoney stamped underneath. Any idea when Bettoney stopped importing buffets?
Actually found a serial number 464A using a better magnifying glass- according to the buffet numbers it dates from 1886
There ya go! I'd still be interested in whether or not the horn is high pitch. If the horn is in good enough condition, you can test with an electronic tuner. The modern intonation standard ("low pitch") is A=440 or 442hz. High pitch was A=457hz. Off the top of my head, I don't think the horn is quite old enough to have one of the other French standards.

As always, "old" doesn't necessarily mean "valuable." I don't have a large enough sample size of clarinets that old, so I can't tell you anything. Even older boxwood and ivory horns don't always fetch big $. Your horn does have the Buffet name going for it. If you have the original case to go along with an original mouthpiece and ligature, that might spark some more interest, too.
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