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Wake up tárogató fans! Here's something interesting...


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As if I don't have enough of these pesky things...I bought another Stowasser instrument, since it was very cheap and in excellent shape. I figured I would sell one. To my surprise, this one is in B natural! So now I have a set of three--in C, B and Bb...crazy crazy, but it's a lovely instrument...
"My name's Toby and I'm a tarogatoaholic. . ."

Seriously congrats on your new addition. There are still 9 keys left.
Yes, I love them. I was seriously pissed when I found out it was in B natural, but then I though, "now I have a set of Stowassers!". A friend who is an expert says that he has heard of a B natural Stowasser, but they are very rare. I wonder what the other 4 keys of Stowassers are ;)
Apparently the most common after Bb and C was A, ala clarinet. Then there was an alto, I guess in Eb, and a bass--must have been Bb. I've seen pix of a nino--not Stowasser--in Eb.
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