Well, I couldn't get to the parts box (too much hard to move all of the furniture in the way in the limited space available in the storage unit), but I rummaged around in all of my horn cases and was able to come up with a four reed case (in my Oehler horn, right next to an eight reed case, no less) that will fit Chris's pouchette case just fine.
A year's supply of VD 2 1/2 reeds, a classic Selmer HS* mouthpiece, and a couple of my clever (if I do say so myself) Reedwrap ligatures, and he's set. It's all dropped into a new hockey helmet, which we are shipping back to him this afternoon.
(When he came up to MO, he forgot to pack hishelmet, so we had to buy a new one. He did a teaching session (up in the wonderful East Alton (IL) municipal rink) with Marvale (who needs to bend his knees a lot more) that had them out on the ice for two whole hours.)
I understand the desire to slim down musical instrument cases. However, the pouchette style is an excellent example of a principle taken way too far. They have reduced the "storage space" in one of those down to enough room for single reed holders and no more. And, since the case in question dates back to the 1970s, it's not some modern trend we're dealing with.
Now, if the case was designed to fit in a Traypac, I could understand. But, it isn't.
(For that matter and while I'm touching on the subject, why haven't we had a Traypac case offered for we baritone players? God knows there's enough room in there, and having a tiny little clarinet case slip sliding around while we're trying to manage the rest of them is no treat.)
(The closest thing that I've see is the B foot flute case slot in the Yamaha baritone cases. I literally blundered into it one day while packing up my kit and accidentally dropping my flute case (at a very low height, to be sure - those things are slippery too). The case snugged down into the cavity (located along the back side of the horn on the left side) as nice as you please, with the bargain benefit that it traps all of the reed boxes into the row of small compartments beneath it.)
(Oddly enough, when I raised this "feature" with the woman at Yamaha, she was completely unaware of it.)
I had the same problem with my Series 9 full Boehm instrument back in the day. Sure, it was small as hell, with sleek contours and all of those other elements of French "style" that have garnered so much attention over the years. But, forget about including anything else.
As a bass clarinet player (something I would have inscribed on my monument stone if only the DVA would allow it - I'm having to settle for SGT 1/10th Cavalry (Armored) instead), I'm adverse to carrying around a "gig bag" in addition to everything else. When I've done West Side Story, I made for first class entertainment, trying to snake a baritone case, bass clarinet case, double clarinet case and tenor case, all down a spiral staircase into the pit. Stacking a gig bag on top of all of that is asking for trouble.
After Stan at Selmer was kind enough to have them remake a double case to fit my odd proportion full Boehm horns, I put the old Bb horn case (which I had had since the early 1960s) into the basement storage area of our home up in IL. When it came time to pack up for the move down to TX, I pulled it out and found it was covered with mold. Sentimental feelings or not, I was still glad that the thing got thrown into the trash, along with the original green interior case from my Conn alto.
Long ago and far away, before Steinway shoved their sticky fingers into the mix, I was turned onto a case maker up in WI by one of the guys at Leblanc. He would make a case (with latches and all, in the classic Leblanc styles) around any rectangular or square shape that you were willing to produce.
With that in mind, I did some shopping for high density polyethylene foam, from which I intended to cut the proper cavities for the horn joints (using a hot wire foam cutting device), slot the joint ends (very important for a proper fit), and then attach appropriate cloth over same, then shipping it up to him for the finishing touches. That would have given me the double extended range bass/full Boehm case that I always wanted (in addition to finally replacing my gradually disintegrating original bass case. Never got around to it, though...another road not taken.