Woodwind Forum Calendar Fundraiser ...

Kessler used a big cardboard box IIRC, draped in velvet material with three stand light that had the cans pointed at the ceiling and a camera stand. It is very effective, really helps the colors pop and there is never the reflection of the picture taker in the background. It wasn't expensive, so I really have no excuse not to do it.
Kessler used a big cardboard box IIRC, draped in velvet material with three stand light that had the cans pointed at the ceiling and a camera stand. It is very effective, really helps the colors pop and there is never the reflection of the picture taker in the background. It wasn't expensive, so I really have no excuse not to do it.
The only problem I've had with the Kessler pics is that the background is too dark -- they generally use a black background -- and the printing process make it even darker. Lighter-colored, single-color backgrounds work out a lot better than dark and/or multicolored.
Kessler used a big cardboard box IIRC, draped in velvet material with three stand light that had the cans pointed at the ceiling and a camera stand. It is very effective, really helps the colors pop and there is never the reflection of the picture taker in the background. It wasn't expensive, so I really have no excuse not to do it.

When I did the pics of my Marigaux, I just used a large piece of stiff white paper where I cut a hole for the camera's lens. I used tripod and self-timer which is recommended anyway to avoid blur due to shaky hands.
The use of a tripod, especially for static pictures, is easy and makes a big difference. BTW, I'm luvin' the picture used in the calendar this month (July). :cool:
Well, the horns are rare and they are related to sax. For those of you that didn't buy the calendar, one's a C bass ophicleide and the other's an alto Rothophone. The composition was changed a bit for the calendars, but it's still a nice pic!
Nah. The only Photoshop-y things I'm good at are resizing and copy/paste :D.
Status update:

I've had 6 or 7 people promise me pics, but only two folks have actually sent me pics. Help me out, folks! I need to start building the calendar on September 1 or I won't have it published by November.
Would something along these lines be welcome?


(Full Size Image Here)

(I can put a smiley sticker to the bell if more embellishments are needed)
That'd be just fine, TTT. The only thing I'd mention, tho, is that I'd either need bigger pictures or more pictures.

Lulu.com (the publisher) likes 2625 x 3375 pixels at 300 dpi and prefers 4125 x 5775 at 500ppi. That's really, really big.

New cameras don't have a problem with it, but if you have an old 5 MP (like I do), I need lotsa pics to fill up the page.
Lulu.com (the publisher) likes 2625 x 3375 pixels at 300 dpi and prefers 4125 x 5775 at 500ppi. That's really, really big.
May be big, but big is not necessarily better. (Cheap) cameras with today's sub-stamp-sized sensors might produce nominal 12MP, at the expense of significant quality loss: chromatic noise from the sensor, chromatic aberration and distortions from sub-standard lenses, too shallow depth-of-field caused by shorter and shorter focal lengths, ...
If you have to edit your images in order to address all these problems, you end up with the resolution of an old (but good!) 2MP camera.
SLRs with their comparatively big sensors suffer less from this phenomenon.
While I'm still waiting on someone that's sending me pics, I'm still three short for the calendar. If any of y'all were intending on sending me something, please do or I'll have to cancel the calendar for this year.
Would this be suitable? Someone with photoshop skills could straighten the lines up top and bottom.

It's a bass tárogató though it should really be called a tenor.


Definitely! It just needs to be much, much bigger: at least 2625 x 3375 pixels at 300 dpi and preferably 4125 x 5775 at 500ppi (see, which is where I now have the calendar FAQ). I can blow up smaller pictures a bit, but not by too much, which is why I generally have calendar pages with multiple views.
Too funny! I just posted this to my friends after taking a look at your photo album. Then I tried to friend you (yes, friend as a verb) but that wasn't an option.

That was made by a Hungarian mouthpiece maker as a serious experiment. He hoped it would be twice as loud as a single reed. It wasn't. He said it tickles his top lip so he doesn't play it.

It's strange that friend verb isn't it? There's a perfectly good english verb "to befriend". I suspect we had to invent a new one because
facebook friends aren't necessarily real friends.
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