Woodwind forum - no saxophone?

We're discussing it.

The 500lb gorilla on the street, at the moment, is Sax-on-the-Web -- which Ed, Gandalfe and I have all been associated with. I, for instance, was administrator and moderator of SOTW even way back in the eesites days and I ... well ... convinced SOTW's management to move to phpBB and then to vBulletin -- and I set up their forums. (You can blame me or praise me for that.)

I don't particularly want the WF to become "SOTW Jr." A lot of other Forums have done that. And have failed.

I've made some suggestions to Ed on how to make the WF different from SOTW. I think the "Content Expert" idea is one of them (an idea that I had actually suggested awhile ago on SOTW that was never implemented, but Ed wanted to run with here). Would that alone be "better and different"? I dunno. I've made a couple of other suggestions that I feel really would be "better and different", but that's up to Ed and Gandalfe to OK or not. Because they'd be some work.

I'm here, ATM, to help out with setup. I also have played around enough with clarinets and sarrusophones to be somewhat helpful in those areas after the "go live" date for this forum.
As Pete indicated, we are working on it. Should be going live with the last section this week.
I meant it in an affectionate way, of course. They are the biggest, best forum at this moment. We just want to be better at some things than them, eventually :).
pete said:
I meant it in an affectionate way, of course. They are the biggest, best forum at this moment. We just want to be better at some things than them, eventually :).

I was gonna say "Do I look like a 500lb gorilla?" :emoji_rolling_eyes: but since you insist it was made in an affectionate way then I guess that I must not take it too personnal.
Is there a Sax topic that hasn't been addressed 100 fold on any forum anyway? I'm hard pressed to find one. :D
One of the ways we aim to be different is that our focus is not just on saxophones. I've found that a lot of sax players double on clarinet and or flute. I play in a section with a guy who doubles on clarinet and flute and took up the bassoon. One of the bassoon players I play with plays all of the major woodwinds with the exception of oboe (although she might play that as well).

As you have probably noticed we have added a saxophone section. I think that there's ample opportunity to have a discussion about saxophones and the other members of the woodwind family in more than one forum or community.

For years you could buy more than one brand of Encyclopedia. I view the Internet much in the same way. You can read about a host of subjects at multiple sites. Each of those sites have their own flavor and take on various pieces of information. We hope that folks like the information that our members contribute to the community and that it serves as a great resource for players.
kcp said:
pete said:
I meant it in an affectionate way, of course. They are the biggest, best forum at this moment. We just want to be better at some things than them, eventually :).

I was gonna say "Do I look like a 500lb gorilla?" :emoji_rolling_eyes: but since you insist it was made in an affectionate way then I guess that I must not take it too personnal.
No. Gorillas don't wear feather boas.

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