WF New People Introductions

Thanks Dave for the info. I've come accross this site before and always enjoyed Ed's reviews and commentary's. Very objective and inciteful. Glad to be on board.

Hey everyone i'm new here. My name is Killian im 18 and from Ireland

I currently play bass and guitar, and to tell the truth i dont think i have ever played a woodwind instrument. Bar the recorder when i was like 8 or something. Im here because i have always wnated to play the saxahone and im looking for advice.......:cool:
Hi Killian: I doubt that many of us are familiar enough with the musical scene in Ireland to offer specific advice. However, I'll bet there are some band-instrument stores near enough to you to aid in your quest.

My advice would be to find a store that deals in band instruments (not your typical guitar/drum/keyboard store either, although some of those may dabble in woodwinds) and seek out those who give private lessons through the store (either store employees or contractors). Then, sign up for lessons and be guided by the advice you receive in face-to-face conversations with your teacher.

I've seen your other posts here and wondered how any of us could possibly cover all you need to know to even get started. The post(s) would be gigantic.

From a guy who has played saxophone for 52 years. DAVE
Hey Frank: Welcome aboard!! Just so's you know, that cheap-*** soprano you sold me is playing quite well, thank you. I still have it and the more I play it, the better it plays. Oh, it still isn't up to the level of my old Bueschers or my Yanagisawas, but if it was the only soprano I had, it would work. Actually, it is better than the VI I used own (and from which it was copied). DAVE
Oh, I've been lurking for quite a while. Finally decided to come out from hiding. ;-)

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

Hey Dave - that's great to hear! Love to hear a clip sometime... :)
I struggled like mad (with saxmanglen's help) just to get two sound clips posted in the soprano section. Actually, I don't think the horn matters much - they all sound pretty much like me when I play them.

Glad to be here, too. DAVE

hey i'm JKST90 i've played sax for a while (6 years) i knw i'm not as expeerienced as others but i'm learning as i go on (right know Clarinet, trumpet, piano) i know flute and bassoon. I just want to say hey and that i'll probabley be posting some stuff...
Welcome Julian. So what happens to your alias when you ditch the Keilwerth for a Selmer Ref? :emoji_rage:

Actually I started up again on Couf Superba I's (alto/tenor) and still have them. As you probably know they are very JK'esque. But once I tried the Selmer Reference Series I dropped some inheritance money on a matched set and have never looked back. Still, those Couf's sound mighty find when I use them as backups.

What kind of music do you play and do you gig? Do you have a web site?

Wow. Another Julian? I guess that makes two of us hanging around here.

Welcome, and have fun!

So I guess that if someone yells....."JULIAN"...... two of us will turn and yell back....."WHADDA YA WANT?"!!!!!!!
Hi, everyone, I'm Mike Serban and I'm a senior in high school. I started alto sax in 7th grade after 2 horrible years in strings class(violin and cello), and eventually added flute, tenor sax, and clarinet the following year. I also play piccolo(concert band) and oboe(orchestra) which are in demand at my highschool since I'm the only oboist in the HS, and the other piccolo players hate playing the piccolo. I also am known to have a lot of other various instruments such as recorder(soprano), pennywhistle(in D), and a beautiful Cooperman fife in Bb. I have also played bass clarinet, bassoon and alto flute for various ensembles and pit orchestras( but I don't own these...yet).
I have also been playing piano for about 13 years as well as organ for about 4 years. I have also been taking lessons from a professor at Butler University, but have taken a break for a few months(hopefully getting back to lessons soon!). I also plan to go into music ed. for college. This is such a great site!
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