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  1. TrueTone

    A Sax C-Tenor/ C-mel that I remembered I saw on ebay...

    https://www.ebay.com/itm/Extremely-rare-body-tenor-saxophone-in-ut-of-Adolphe-sax-st-george-street-no-39689-/323484124903 Discussion of saving pictures from old auctions reminded me of this! It's missing the neck, but it's an actual Adolphe Sax tenor in C! (of which there are very few known to...
  2. TrueTone

    Eugene Albert Clarinet

    Soo I mentioned in a post Thursday I was looking at a clarinet-I won this auction: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F352472118134 Anyone have thoughts on an 1870s or so Eugene Albert clarinet? While apparently he made a lot of HP instruments; this...
  3. s-l1600.jpg


    I'm also a sucker for how these clarinets look. I've never played one. The finish is officially called "Violin Finish" and Gandalfe has a nice article on these horns on his website: https://biskey7.wordpress.com/2011/01/22/conn-pan-american-violin-finish-aka-propeller-wood-clarinet/ This one...
  4. TrueTone

    Some very nice photos of a pair of Sarrusophones that I saw from QuinnTheEskimo...

    So I occasionally log onto facebook as our clarinet professor has a facebook group for our clarinet studio that she sometimes sends things to, and I happened to see these while checking on it: Some very nice photos of a Conn Eb Contra and a Buffet Bb Bass, with yet more sarruses in the...
  5. TrueTone

    Not something I'd expect to see from Oehler...

    In case anyone here's interested in it, here's a (rather cracked on the bass joint) bassoon from Oskar Oehler, the inventor of the Oehler system clarinet, who I previously have only seen Clarinets and one Oboe from before. Might be a nice deal for someone in the EU if no one else bids...
  6. TrueTone

    Moral of the story: check what mouthpieces are with things. (in this case a Kaspar)

    Link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/291778781249 I was mainly interested in that pamphlet, but read the description, which led me to notice the second mouthpiece with that was a Kaspar. So, I asked them for pictures of the mouthpieces, which let me confirm it was a Chicago Kaspar, with what looks like...
  7. Schuster Co. Piccolo made in Germany

    Does anyone have any idea about this piccolo and its maker? Is it professional? It seems like a great deal. It's selling on eBay. Please let me know what you think. http://m.ebay.com/itm/191836772524
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